American Healthcare Capital
American Healthcare Capital is the go-to firm and most trusted name in HealthCare Mergers and Acquisitions. Established in 1990, we are a full service, nationwide Healthcare Mergers & Acquisitions advisory firm. With over $1 Billion in active Sell-Side and Buy-Side engagements, we cover the entire spectrum of the healthcare industry including but not limited to Home Health, Hospice, Private Duty, Behavioral Health, IDD, DME, Medical Staffing, Long Term Care and all types of Pharmacy. With an emphasis on healthcare transactions, we understand the need for a unique approach to the healthcare services sector. Since we’re always in the market, we pride ourselves on our intimate, real time knowledge of the marketplace. Since our network of buyers is larger than any other middle-market advisory firm, we know who’s buying for a premium, who is selling for a discount, and what deals can get financing. We also own Healthcare Receivable Lenders, which provides competitive, non-recourse accounts receivable financing in conjunction with Union Bank, as well as real estate loans for healthcare facilities.