"Overcoming the Adversity of Addiction"

Thanks for your interest in joining us as a speaker at Moments of Change 2019! We can’t wait to hear your ideas about how we can elevate the industry and help more people heal together.

For this year’s MOC conference schedule, we’re excited to announce our new format with sessions organized into four unique days of content that follow the overcoming the adversity of addiction. Each day will focus on a different stage of this journey: overcoming adversity for the patient, treatment providers and surrounding community. 

As an expert in your field, we invite you to look through this sample schedule to learn more about how we plan to structure each day within the overcoming adversity theme. This isn’t an all-inclusive list by any means. But we hope it can give you an idea of our vision for MOC, and hopefully it will spark an idea for how you might like to contribute.


Monday, September 30
For the first day of MOC, we're starting where our focus should always start: our patients. Their path toward overcoming the adversity of addiction is full of challenges - from taking that scary first step of seeking help to building their new lives in recovery. So, it's our responsibilty to help each patient and their family navigate that journey, meeting them exactly where they are and helping them reach their personal goals. 

Potential Topics:

  • Patient demographics and trends

  • Assessment of specialty populations

    • Seniors, professionals, adolescents, etc.

    • LGBTQ, ethnic and racial minorities, etc

  • Research, measurements and outcomes

  • Interventions

  • Treating the whole family system with family programming
Tuesday, October 1
After preparing ourselves to meet the needs of those around us, it's time to look inward. As the behavioral health field grows and shifts, it's more important than ever to prioritize self-care as a safeguard against clinician burnout and to understand how change management can help us adapt along with our industry. When we nurture health in our own lives and in our organizations, that's when we'll have the greatest opportunity to overcome the adversities we face and help others. 
Potential Topics:
  • Ethical marketing practices
  • Self-care practices for providers
  • Change management 
  • Methods of treatment
    • Medication Assisted Treatment
    • Experiential therapies
    • CBT, DBT, EMDR, etc.
Wednesday, October 2
On the third day of MOC, the focus will shift from looking inward to looking at the larger community we create with one another. As new legislation reshapes the behavioral health world, we need to invite discourse and feedback about how we can overcome adversity together - not just from our peers, but also from government policymakers, industry organizations, EAP professionals, lobbyists and insurance providers. When we work jointly to create a culture of high ethical standards and transparent outcomes data, it benefits the entire ecosystem, especially our patients. 
Potential Topics:
  • Legislation and policy changes that impact the industry
  • Lobbying practices
  • Standardization of the industry 
  • Ratings systems for treatment centers
  • New regulations and guidelines implemented at local and state levels 
Thursday, October 3
As MOC 2019 comes to a close, we don't want to leave South Florida without shining a spotlight on some of the local leaders who are helping patients and providers overcome adversity in this community. Thanks to their efforts to fight corruption and implement new regulations, Florida has become a model for other states who want to improve their local treatment industry and protect patients. So, what better way to wrap up MOC than to spend time focused on how we can keep this positive momentum building in Florida and how we can share this experience to help others nationwide?