What the F Are We Doing?
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 2:30 PM - 3:45 PM
Emily Orrick

The terms “marketing” and “business development” have taken a dramatic shift in the past 3 to 5 years and many of those sitting in positions within these departments have found themselves shaking their heads and wondering, ‘What the F are we doing?!’ Whether it is internet marketing, alumni, or referral relations, most leaders in this field have found themselves exhausted at the daunting idea of revising their current strategies because what worked in the past no longer works today. In this session, participants will review the history of marketing and business development in this field, analyze the current state of marketing strategies, and work together to create solutions to the daunting question of surviving this field in its current state. This is not a session about marketing ethics. This is a session with practical applications that will also ask its participants to contribute their experiences and work together as a combined force of professionals to collaborate on the future of marketing strategy for 2020 and beyond.


  1. Compare the terms “Business Development, “Marketing” and “Referral Relations” in the behavioral health industry
  2. Critique marketing diversification strategies within the field
  3. Construct marketing and business development strategies for 2020 and beyond
Location Name
Windsor Complex
Session Type
Breakout Session
Available for Credit
Approved for CEs