"The Continuum of Care"

Thanks for your interest in joining us as a speaker at Innovations in Recovery 2020! We can’t wait to hear your ideas about how we can elevate the industry and help more people heal together.

For this year’s IIR conference schedule, sessions will be organized into four unique days of content that follow the continuum of care. Each day will focus on a different stage of the patient journey, from detox to extended care and beyond.

As an expert in your field, we invite you to look through this sample schedule to learn more about how we plan to structure each day within the continuum of care theme. This isn’t an all-inclusive list by any means. But we hope it can give you an idea of our vision for IIR, and hopefully it will spark an idea for how you might like to contribute.


Tuesday, April 16
For day one of IIR, we’re starting where your patients start. How can we build trust with our communities and help each individual take the first step toward finding the right treatment them? And then how do we ensure that we understand how to offer patients the individualized therapies that can meet their needs?

Potential Topics:

  • Ethical marketing practices

  • Patient demographics and trends

  • Detox

  • Assessment of specialty populations

    • Seniors, professionals, adolescents, etc.

    • LGBTQ, ethnic and racial minorities, etc

Wednesday, April 17
After a patient has taken that first step to seek help, it’s time for us to follow through on our promises and deliver the best care possible. So, how can we maintain high ethical standards throughout our work?
Potential Topics:
  • Methods of treatment
    • Medication Assisted Treatment
    • Experiential therapies
    • CBT, DBT, EMDR, etc.
  • Developing and implementing ethical standards of care
  • Treating the whole family system with family programming
  • Case management and documentation
  • Insurance and reimbursement
Thursday, April 18
When a patient’s time at your facility ends, their lifetime journey of recovery is just beginning. How can we create ethical, forward-thinking processes that adjust to the current climate and set up patients for long-term success in life?
Potential Topics:
  • Extended care treatment
  • Professional and alumni services
  • Research, measurement and outcomes
  • Legislation and policy changes that impact the industry
Friday, April 19
For our final day of IIR 2019, we’re zooming in to focus on how these issues affect the local community and highlight some of the people making a positive impact in Southern California. With this vision in mind, we’re offering a special $20 general admission rate for this day’s sessions to bring more local voices into the conversation.